Oregon Travel Update – Things To Know If You’re Traveling In Oregon During Summer 2021

With the 4th of July now past, more people will be traveling to Oregon during the summer months, especially to the coast, where they will be enjoying our beaches and cooler temperatures.

If you plan on flying into Oregon this summer or taking a road trip in Oregon, this article will offer you some tips on Oregon Travel so that you will be prepared to travel here this summer.


Even though some people may have a hard time living life without their masks, the reality is that they are no longer necessary in the State of Oregon, unless you plan on riding on a bus or taking a flight out of Oregon.

Yes, mask restrictions have been eased but that may not stop some businesses from requiring you to wear a mask to enter their establishment so it’s best to have one handy in your pocket (or purse) just in case you need to put one on at a moment’s notice.


When you enter a restaurant, grocery store, bookshop, tavern, comic book store, or your favorite venue here, you can also have peace of mind in knowing that there are no longer limits on how many people can be in an establishment at the same time.

This is huge because during the pandemic, just about every across Oregon had limits and this made doing fun things kind of depressing.

Thankfully, limits are gone and businesses are open as they were before the pandemic but don’t be surprised if some businesses do decide to limit how many people can enter their establishments since some businesses may choose to do this independently.

Social Gatherings

Last, of all, social gatherings have been allowed to return to pre-pandemic levels as well so don’t think twice about attending that concert in Oregon, heading to a music festival, camping with friends, or attending a party this summer because this aspect of life in Oregon has also returned to normal as well.